Pedretti Gaming (Manufacturer of the Alien Pinball) has anounced on the 19th novemer 2021 that they start soon shipping the 1st 2.0 kit for a Classical Bally Williams pinball machine.
In this case it Funhouse 2.0 Rudy’s Nightmare will be the 1st of several titles which will be done by Pedretti Gaming.

The kit includes following parts
- Speaker Panel (wood and artwork)
- New 14 inch LCD HD Display
- New high quality Speakers
- Playfield Mini Display and artwork
- PCBs : Fast CPU and Pinsound XL
- Custom Side Blades
- Custom Traslite (printed on 3mm acrylic)
- Customized Packaging
- For first 200 kits a custom T-shirt (Size L)
- Completely new code
Send us a email to or call us at +43 699 10 87 86 01 if you want to reserve a kit.
The final approval of everything shall be done within short and then we can ship our 1st games.