Everybody knows the great Quentin Tarantino Movie Pulp Fiction from 1994.
Playmechanix and Chicago Gaming powered therefore together to get this dream theme into Pinball.
Quention Tarantino wanted therefore a a clear 80s styled pinball machine which this is it.
It will be available in 2 versions
– Special Edition
– Limited Edition (only 1000 Units worldwide)

You pre order the game with us at
Pulp Fiction Special Edition: https://www.rs-pinball.at/produkt/pulp-fiction-se-pre-order/
Pulp Fiction Limited Edition: https://www.rs-pinball.at/produkt/pulp-fiction-limited-edition-preorder/

Official Text from Press Release
Pulp Fiction was developed in a collaboration between Play Mechanix and Chicago Gaming Company, and is being sold exclusively through Chicago Gaming Company’s pinball dealers.
Pulp Fiction is a retro-inspired full-featured modern pinball machine. Developed at the request of Quentin Tarantino who wanted an 1980’s style Pulp Fiction themed pinball machine for his home. Tarantino’s continued involvement throughout the project shaped the final game. Tarantino rarely licenses his intellectual property, it is a unique privilege to produce a game which pays tribute to this masterpiece.
Pinball designer Mark Ritchie masterfully crafted a playfield which on its surface appears comparable to games from this era but outside of initial perception features more mechanisms and greater depth than most games produced today. David Thiel forcefully pulls the player into this world utilizing over 250 iconic lines from Pulp Fiction’s legendary cast, five licensed songs from the original movie soundtrack, and a number of original compositions. Josh Sharpe developed an approachable rule set that is both intuitive and deep enough to engage even the most skilled player.
Here now some pictures with details
Pulp Fiction Playfield

Limited Edition Features

Playfield Details